Here at Narwhal Magic Kindness, we love supporting transgender voices, so when the Trans Empowerment Project sent out the call, we answered. The Trans Empowerment Project’s mission is simple:
“Moving the trans* community out of crisis and into empowerment by focusing on the abolition of white supremacy to ensure that our most marginalized community members, Disabled Queer and Trans* People of Color, can thrive and live their best lives.” Trans* includes folks who are Queer, Transgender, Non-Binary, Two Spirit, Gender Non-Conforming, and other related identities across the gender spectrum. While we center our focus on the liberation and success of Disabled Trans* people of color, our work intentionally supports all Trans* people.
This week the Trans Empowerment Project is holding a Trans Rights Readathon. Here are their suggestions:
· Read: Move those books with Trans* authors and Trans* and gender-diverse characters to the top of your list. Borrow them from your library, visit your local bookstore, or download that audiobook.
· Interact: Drop your recommendations and follow Trans* authors and Trans* creators.
· Donate: If you can, choose a Trans* organization or individual to donate to. A possible model for that is pledging to donate a certain amount for every chapter book you finish.
If you need book suggestions, please visit Sam’s Transgender Book List here on our website. Be sure to tag them #TransRightsReadathon Now let’s read!
